Uno de cada cinco estadounidenses tiene un problema de manejo de la ira. La ira es una emoción humana natural y es la manera que tiene la naturaleza de empoderarnos para “protegernos” de nuestra percepción de un ataque o amenaza a nuestro bienestar. El problema no es la ira; el problema es el mal manejo de la ira. La ira y la ira mal gestionadas son la principal causa de conflicto en nuestras relaciones personales y profesionales.

👍¿Hay medicamentos disponibles para los problemas de manejo de la ira?

Many people who come to our anger management programs, they want quick fixes. Often we have people saying to us, is there a drug, is there a pill, a magic pill they can take which will help the anger to stop. Unfortunately, there is no drug that is going to help you to manage your […]

👍¿Hay medicamentos disponibles para los problemas de manejo de la ira? Leer más "

👍La ira y el ciclo de la violencia

Many people who are in abusive relationships say that the violence follows a pattern. It does not happen randomly; rather, it often occurs in a repeating cycle that is made up of three phases. Phase 1: Tension-Building The abuser is argumentative, angry, uses yelling, criticism, swearing, and angry gestures. Sometimes the abuser will use coercion,

👍La ira y el ciclo de la violencia Leer más »

👍¿Quién está enojado y es apropiado para el manejo de la ira?

Any person who inappropriately expresses anger or is angry at everyone. Their behaviors are generalized. The victim can be anyone (supervisor, co-worker, friend, family and stranger). A person with an anger management problem does not have the tool/skills to manage anger and therefore is likely to lash out an any person towards whom they have

👍¿Quién está enojado y es apropiado para el manejo de la ira? Leer más »

Quién es apropiado para BIPP

👍¿Quién es apropiado para BIPP?

Any person who is abusive (physically, sexually, verbally and emotionally) towards an intimate partner (spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend, dating relationship). The abusive behaviors are targeted at the intimate partner. Battering of an intimate partner is not an anger management problem, as a batterer is not likely to be abusive towards any other person. Battering is a systematic

👍¿Quién es apropiado para BIPP? Leer más »

Clases de ira en línea

Registro y Evaluación

We are committed to provide services to anyone who may be in need, making them affordable and available for all.. Therefore our Sliding Fee Scale is be based on an individual’s income and family size. Organization and business are negotiable.   Office hours are: Monday thru Thursday             Friday and Saturday 8:00 am – 9:00

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